Insurance Info

Human Touch Home Health Care accepts most insurances, including Medicare, Medicare Managed Care, Medicaid, Managed Medicaid, and private insurance plans.  Health care financing is dynamic and changes frequently.  Right now, we are working with the following companies but always call to check with us as we are always adding new payers.  Most of these plans cover healthcare services provided in the home, many at 100%.  Some plans however, do not cover personal care unless skilled services are also needed.  If you would like to know if your insurance plan will cover your home-care services, contact our office today, and one of our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives can assist you. 

Anthem / Blue Cross Blue Shield

United Health Care
Denver Health
Colorado Access
Worker’s Compensation


How can I find if my insurance is accepted?

Can I split payment between OOP & my insurance?

What is the billing department’s contact information?

How does Human Touch work with Medicare & Medicaid?